Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week 4- The Art of Possibility Chapters 9-12

Image courtesy of Microsoft clipart.

The final chapters of the Art of Possibility do not disappoint.  I found many insightful nuggets to incorporate this school year and many things that will keep me focused and sane throughout each day.  The first important concept is becoming the board and having the power to transform my thinking.  The idea that ultimately I am in control of everything that I experience in my life is quite revealing.  I thought about a Monopoly game, and how we always thought the game pieces gave us so much power that we fought over the top hat or the shoe each game.  In reality, according to the Zanders, the game board has the power.  The game board determines what the game pieces will do, how far they will go and helps to determine the winner. I discovered that as a game piece I have limited power, but as the board I make room for all of the moves to happen.
The next novel idea was the concept of vision.  Vision, defined by the authors, means to invent and sustain frameworks that bring forth possibility.  After reading this, I realize I need vision for my classroom.
In the Bible it states, that without vision the people perish. This made me think about the vision I have for my students when they come to my class. What possibilities are in store for them based upon the vision I have cast for the year?  Vision goes beyond goal setting and reaches a wider range of thought.
And finally, taking risks are necessary for anything great to occur!  I believe I take some risks, but maybe I need to take more.  I constantly encourage my students to take risks, but now I need to be willing to experience the same possibilities. The inclusion of the Marianne Williamson poem is the icing on the cake.
I love this poem and everything it represents.  A couple of years ago, I posted it in my room as inspiration for my students, and I believe I will post it again so my students can imagine the potential that is within each of them.  Another school year brings forth so much and I am excited about experiencing it with fresh eyes and a fresh heart!

Week 4_PublishingandLeadershipProject

                                                      Image provided by IJEA.
Image provided by Edutopia.


My top two choices for submission are the International Journal of Education and the Arts ( ) and Edutopia ( 
I feel that each journal is forward thinking and well established as a platform for educators.  The International Journal of Education and the Arts provides a venue for educators in the arts to present research that generates dialogue about education through a creative process.  Edutopia provides an arena for innovative teaching techniques and current trends in education that work and are effective in the classroom.   I like both journals and feel they encompass two areas found in my CBR project: art and innovation through personal learning environments. I plan to review the submission processes to select a final journal for submission in month twelve.

Publishing/Leadership Thinking Out Loud Blog #1
Publishing/Leadership Thinking Out Loud Blog #2


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week 4-Thinking Out Loud Part 2

                             Image courtesy of Edutopia.
After much consideration, I am making some adjustments to my submission list.  I am adding Edutopia to my submission list for my publication and leadership project.  I selected Edutopia after reviewing the site and observing the large amount of articles that featured art.  Edutopia contains a plethora of information about different and innovative approaches to education and I feel a journal that is on the cutting edge would  be beneficial to me.  Edutopia features many current trends in education, such as problem based learning and social learning.  I will feel I may need to go over my article with a fine tooth comb before submitting, but I believe I am up for the challenge.

Week 4- Wimba-Thinking Out Loud

                                  Image provided by Microsoft clipart.

My thinking out loud during the Wimba session did not go as planned!  The plan was to showcase my leadership project in a smooth, professional manner and demonstrate almost all of my intelligence but thanks to technology all of that went out of the window!!!  So, let's reboot and start the process over!
My plans are to publish rather than present my project.  Public speaking is not my strong suit, so I would prefer to submit an article based upon my research in the classroom. 
 I would like to submit to a journal with an art or technology focus because these are the two areas I am most interested in at this point. My CBR project focused on personalized learning in art and how this concept could empower students in the learning process.  I believe my CBR project went well and I hope to continue encouraging my students in constructing learning environments that engage and stretch their imaginations. 

Week 4-2 Peer Comment

Image provided by Microsoft clipart.

Her thoughts:

Everything in education starts with the teacher. Too often you hear people say “it’s the kids” or “kids today” . You cant change to kids or the parents or the administration. The only thing you have control over is you. Lighting the spark and being the board deal, in  my opinion, speak to how I as the educator have to find ways to engange the students with the material. When I am no longer able to find an external source to motivate them, then I have to look inside to see what I need to change in order to achieve the goals.
In order to achieve said goals in education you have to be able to persevere in the face of criticism. Once you have set the board you need to move the pieces as they are supposed to move and not take the shortcuts. That could only lead to needing to change the board again.
While the teacher is the start of it the students are the life of it. What ever we decide as educators we need to listen to the needs of the students and ask ourselves what will work best for all of us. The classroom is a group dynamic and while each student has their own individual needs and wants and the teacher has her own, the only way to achieve success is to look at the best possible things for the whole not the parts.

Posted by Kelly Baker at 5:36 AM

My thoughts:

I really like the last line of your post and I think it speaks volumes about the current state of education.  Lately, it seems like we have been playing tug of war in education.  Educators vs. students or students vs. educators...year after year! What your post suggests is that we all play a part in the classroom...teacher and student. As teachers we must be diligent in seeking the right dynamic to ensure success for all students.
In order to reach that dynamic, it may take different techniques and out of the box thinking to reach and engage our students.

Week 4-1 Peer Comment

Image provided by Microsoft clipart

She wrote:
As teachers we are definitely responsible for lighting the spark in our students but we sometimes wonder how. Most of our students are not amazed by anything we do or say. It's just teenage natural to see parents and teachers as uncool.

So it is our job to outwit them by letting them find of light their own spark. Or let them think they are lighting their own spark. This can be done by simply becoming more a facilitator of learning whether than a teacher of learning. Allow room for error in yourself as well as in your students. You will that you both may be finding a spark.

Posted by Tonneche Brown at Friday, July 29, 2011

I wrote:

Your thoughts about "the spark" are very welcome as I prepare to go back to school.  I do wonder how to be the instructor, inspire my students and foster independence everyday at school.  As teachers we compete with so much, so we end up being not cool! Realistically, who can compete with Lil' Wayne and BeyoncĂ©'? Maybe I should stop trying to compete and find a way to bring their interests into the classroom! (A novel idea!)  I will take your advice and allow more wiggle room and generate many sparks!

Week 4-1 Discussion Post Quickie

                                      Image courtesy of Microsoft clipart.
Utopia for me would be to teach in a room full of enthusiastic, imaginative creative young artists that actually have a love for art.
I want to teach them in a room with unlimited resources, supportive parents and personal learning environments for everyone!!!  I want to do away with mounds of paperwork that has nothing to do with art and I want my students to embrace every ounce of potential they have inside of them. I would be surrounded with colleagues that are hard working and driven to help each child succeed...period.