Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 3-1 Discussion Board Quickie

                            Image courtesy of Microsoft clipart.

My district introduced the International Baccalaureate Program, via the Middle Years Program, to our campus several years ago and it proved to be an experiment gone bad.  The program wasn’t the problem, but the buy in and commitment from faculty and staff to make it a success was the stickler.  When people don’t buy in or support what is being presented it makes it very difficult to implement the program and yield any benefit.  We would have a portion of the staff that would fully implement the program and the other half would drag their heels in protest. The lack of participation and lackadaisical attitudes made it impossible to successfully implement the program and now it doesn’t exist.  I think our staff missed out on an opportunity to bring an international perspective to our campus and engage our students with global concerns.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% the lack of buy-in and full participation can kill any program.
