Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week2 - Free Choice

               Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech
I thought I would share my summer reading list for my free choice post.  I know how we all love Sir Ken Robinson and if you have not come across this book, I would highly recommend it.  It complements our reading of The Art of Possibility in most chapters.  The Element is where natural talent and personal passion intersect.  There are many illustrations of people finding their passion and the route they took to arrive at bliss.  It is another opportunity to enjoy Sir Ken and to see how you can discover your passion.
I am reading this book as a requirement for my AP hours, but it is a good, thought provoking read that challenges my thinking on every level.  You really can't go wrong with Sir Ken, so I invite you to pick up a copy and discover your Element!

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